Words of Wisdom

"The centre of chaos-the eye of the storm-is where things are the calmest."

Monday, December 21, 2009


Avatar is the best movie of 2009..!!!! It has everything: love, brotherhood, war, peace, the connection between all things. It deep movie. Yet still watchable and easy to relate to.. A+++++++++++

Thursday, December 17, 2009





BYE BYE 1430, HELLO 1431...XD

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009


I have read three novels so far in the span of a month and currently reading one more. They are:

1) The Romanov Prophecy by Steve Berry(read)
2) My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk(read)
3) The Gathering by Anne Enright(read)
4) The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga(reading)

So far this has helped to preseve my sanity.

I do recommend that you read them.

They're all deep, very deep.

Have fun XD.

Au revoir...for now XD

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So far, there are about roughly three weeks left of the school holidays.... Not much has trasnpired-that is, in the eyes of people who can't sit still. I-being perfectly capable of sitting still-find it quite eventful. Lately, even the simplest things in life feel monumetal. They in turn make me feel content, despite not being able to go to Istanbul or Jakarta with camera and diary in hand.

First of all, it is my honest opinion that New Moon sucks. This is in no way meant to hurt the gazillions of The Twilight Saga fans out there. I do understand though that by saying this, I have signed my death warrant. However, I'm not afraid of dying or mobs of crazy, love-lorn people- whose very lifeblood is now dependent on the story of Bella, Edward, Jacob and the rest of their jinbang all rolled up into one ball drenched to the bone in promises of everlasting love, stiff acting on Robert Pattinson's part and superd emotion on Kristen Stewart's, and a bit of action between werewolves and vampires -chasing after me with silver pitchforks and wooden stakes wrapped with garlic. In fact, I truely hope that Eclipse will indeed exclipse the dull experience that I had on opening night on the 26th of November.

Moving on to brighter things, I am now dragging my mother at every opportunity that life presents me, to the bookstore. By some holy miracle of Allah, she buys any novel that I ask for. This is indeed a rarity. Nonetheless, I welcome it like a jab of morfin after surgery. I have two new books in my possesion now; My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk and The Gathering by Anne Enright. I have finished the former and am now steadfastly savouring the latter word by word, meaning by meaning.

Truth be told, my back, knees and backside really hurt. The muscles are sore. This is due to several reasons:
1. My lack of exercise
2. My sudden and fast bouts of badminton with my brother
3. Helping my teacher clean up the Text Books store room.

In simpler, lay man's terms, I am enjoying my holiday. Despite the percieved sparseness of it. Make the most of life... because you only live twice...XD

Thursday, November 26, 2009



I am waiting all right. My family and I are going to see New Moon tonight. I just realized I am wearing the same blue sweater that I wore when I saw Twilight last year. hahahahahah.... severe wardrobe upgrade detected here much..... XD

Anyway, I sure hope this super-hyped movie doesn't disappoint. New Moon has a lot to live up to..*seriously what the hell is this dungu saying??, he hasn't even read the Twilight Saga*.

I have spent the day hepling my mum out in anticipation of Hari Raya Aidiladha tomorrow. Believe me when I say peeling onions especially, shallots or bawang merah, is excruiating. I haven't cried sooo bad in a long time. Mopping is no ball either. You ungrateful ingrates should kiss your mum's feet. I mean, she really has to suffer in order to keep things in tip top shape.

On the sunny side of things though, the rendang ayam my siblings and I helped to prepare is simply to die for. In fact the process of making it is quite murdersome when you give it a thought.

To wrap up, I'd like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all. For those of you who are old enough, have a perfect set of teeth and are in the pink of health; be ready. The AJK Korban Surau will be coming for you....... Peace out yo'!!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hello, hello!!! Much to your joy or dismay, I am still alive and writing. I make it a point these days to only update my blog if I feel like doing it. Otherwise, I'll be doing something much more pressing.

I am happy to announce that my final exams which began on October 27th, have ended on last Wednesday, November 11th. Boy oh boy!!! Those were the longest two and half weeks of my short life sooooo far.... With the shortest paper lasting for a whole hour, to the longest which drains your brain for two and half hours, SPM format exams should be on Fear Factor. Imagine writing two essays, one between 200-250 words long and the other more than 350 words within the short span of two hours dan 15 minutes. Any person leaving the class for recess and mental reconstruction will find loss of feeling in their head and writing hand. Your fingers may be bruised slightly. Don't worry though, when you get the straight A's that you've been working sooo damn hard for, all those things go away....

The pure self satisfaction of doing well and proving to yourself that you can rise above is the best painkiller in the world, even better than morfin . LOL!!!!!

But for me and other fellow Malaysian, who are sixteen and have finished Form 4 this year, this is only our first battle against the greater war that looms in the near future. Yes that's right people, come next January we'll be in Form Five and 11 months down the road, the SPM we shall sit for. But that doesn't mean you still can't have fun every now and then. Truth be told, I ain't even studiying right now.

That would be road kill. I sure as hell want and deserve a break for now. Any hoooo.... right now I want to enjoy my short weeks of freedom. But come December 1st, I'll have to start studiying for next year and revising for this year. A word of advice: To go to form five without having a strong form 4 base would be SUICIDE!!!!!

As for this year, it is once again passing by me like and evening thunderstrom. It comes unannounced, has a whirlwind fling and then leaves abruptly with the coming dawn like a one night stand. But as always, it has been a memorable one. Bitter sweet. Always a new experience that tests me and matures me.

The best one is being the school photographer this year and deputy editor-in-chief of my school magazine, SUAMATRA. A special thanks to my three friends who have been with all the way: Fatin Nabilah Azman, Ili Nadiah Ibrahim, and Wan Syafiqah Wan Badaruddin. My Saving Angels from 4 Aset 2009.

I look forward to the return of my fellow Dons from abroad. Hopefully we can all go bowling with all our peeps and hang out at Mid Valley.

Friday, October 2, 2009

What April people are like....

Sangat aktif dan dinamik. * Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal. * Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri. * Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat. * Suka diberi perhatian. * Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ). * Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang. * Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut. * Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah. * Emosi cepat terusik. * Cuba kawal perasaan. * Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam. * Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan. * Kuat daya ingatan. * Gerak hati yang sangat kuat. * Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain. * Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada. * Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu*

I'd say that this is largely accurate. Except for the kelam kabut part. Try it on facebook. Here's the link:-


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Raya oh Raya!!!!!

"It's 6 am and i arise to a gloomy morning. The sky is as grey as the back of a lone wolf. I take my shower with the niat: Sahaja aku mandi sunat aidilfitri kerana Allah taala. The water is excetionally cold like the waterfall that I frequent whenever I get the golden chance to come back. I make my way to the masjid with my brother and camera in tow. We arrive early and there are but a few souls about the place.

Most are making their last minute zakat fitrah payments while the rest-including my brother, camera and I-sit quietly and await the forth coming prayers. At about nine it starts and ends about an hour and a half later. On the way back I stop by at my grandfather's grave and pray for him. Later at home the house is alive with people as the younger ones neil and ask for forgiveness from the elders. In return, they are rewarded with packets filled with money. New money. So new that you can still smell the crispness as it fell of the printing line.

As the days wane, people soon make their way home and so do my family and I. The memories that we take back with us long out live the taste of ketupat and rendang that wash away after defaecating the undigested parts."

Such is my raya this year. All the more special since we went back to celebrate it in Taiping, my hometown. A beautiful place it is. Lay back atmosphere, beautiful lake gardes, ancient trees, wonderful food and people along with a hint of exceptionally heavy rain.

As ya'll can see I have a big family which translates to more fun, laughter and duit raya!!! It was truly amazing to see everyone coming together like that. It's been a while and about time such a thing happened. The best part was seeing how happy my grandmother was at the sight of her children and grandchildren under one roof.

Peel back all the glamorous layers of fireworks, food, decorations, money, and new clothes and all you have is a celebration of victory and brotherhood. That's what Aidilfitri is all about.

Now I'm back in KL and I spent the morning and afternoon today out with my friends. Going from one house to another and seeing everyone again. It was fun. I had tons of Raya cookies, kuey teow, mee kari, and bihun. I daresay I might not eat dinner tonight.

To all my friends and fellow Muslimeen:
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Eid Mubarak
Maaf Zahir & Batin
May all of you live long and prosper in times to come!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Not all that is maroon, glitters...

After so many years of waiting, I am at last the Ketua Pengawas. All that I have fought for, the orders that I carried and the missed classeses, all that finally paid off. Boy...... was I over the moon when they told me i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah baby!!! hahahaha... :0

However, things haven't been so good lately. It's a tough job alright. Being up there, I have no permanent tempat jaga. I now devide my time between several places:

- the gates

- the toilets

- the assembly area

- the blocks

Our job-the Supreme Council and I-is to govern the Lembaga Pengawas. I feel blessed by Allah because I have such dedicated team. We are all still learning and pray that we'll be able to lead this school on. I have never felt more tired than ever within the past few days. I believe that the feeling is mutual concerning my colleagues as well.

So far school discipline is at an OK level. I was at the Boys toilet (B block, ground floor) with Firdaus Aznan. We were both amazed at how quiet the school was. Deep within the dark recesses of my heart I could not help but wonder, "wouldn't it be nice if every school day was like this". But then again, parents might go and complain to the Ministry of Education. They might think that all their kids were dead. Go figure. Most them are-mentally.

I have reason to believe that some unscrouplous students are still smoking regardless of Ramadhan. It boggles my mind. Really it does. I mean, ever heard of something as neraka and dosa?? Despite my opinion, I always remind myself that it their life and they can do what they want. Besides, as my dear friend Naurah would say, "Alah, mati besok kubur asing-asing".

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ahlan Ya Ramadhan!!!

Although it's kinda late for me to be posting something like this.... who cares anyway... hahhahaha. cynical much. Hhhhmmmm..... It's been about ten days since we muslims started fasting. Ramadhan this year for me has been a blast so far.

I jogged the other day with one of my best friends only to find it easier to exercise with an empty gut. Yahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went shopping for raya last weekend and I dare say this is my most well endowed raya yet. Alhamdullillah. I have fallen madly in love with my Levi's 501 jeans. Now even I can live unbuttoned.hahahha :) Not to mention my other mistress in the form of a white and black pair of Puma sport shoes.

But truly Ramadhan has brought with it nothing but baraqah for me. I feel at peace with myself and with the world. I'm taking things more easily and letting lose despite the fact that school will reopen tomorrow and I have my History, Add Math, Bahasa Melayu and English results awaiting me.

As for this holiday, I am pleased to say that I have accomplished absolutely nothing productive in the eyes of any sane person on Earth which is completely OK with the people on Mars. *makes crazy face-open to individual interpretation* My routine is one that of eat then sleep then gaze blankly then take long showers while meditating on life. All in all i could pass off as a hippy minus the afro hair and omnipresent smell of weed.

But tomorrow I get back to routine and reality and the people that inhabit them. Despite how boring that sounds, I think it will be fun to get back to conquering the world. Anyways, all my fellow muslims and muslimahs may Allah bless this Ramadhan for you. Selamat berpuasa dan bertarawih.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hello again :)

Dear all,

To those of you who think I'm dead or incarcerated, you are sorely mistaken. I deleted my old blog and now I have a new one. Contrary to the Nike Lunarglide ad, this is not rocket science. I 'll write more when I have more. Right now just follow me and wait....