Words of Wisdom

"The centre of chaos-the eye of the storm-is where things are the calmest."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Suprise! Suprise!

I have my metric appilcation pin number... :)) The feeling seems overwhelming. But stop right there, you haven't even prepped for the trails completely yet... Go figure.. On the plus side, things seems to be moving along as planned.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello Again :)



Friday, March 5, 2010

Yang Tak Bisa Berbelas Kasihan

Wahai sekelian sahabat
dan kaum kerabat!
Ke mana hilangnya
kalian semua?

Di mana mereka berada?
Saat aku menanggung dunia
di celah tulang belikatku
yang sudah terlalu rapuh
dan hampir sahaja patah.

Pada ketika bebanku terlalu berat
dan bahuku pun menyerah kalah
lalu aku jatuhlah ke tanah
dan dibasahi lumpur kemudian
ditimpa lagi dengan tangga,
tidakpun kunampak kelibat mereka.

Aduh! Sakit!
Perih dan jerihnya tidak terperi
Mengerang aku dalam kesunyian; bersendirian.
Mengetap bibir, menggigit lidah dalam kelam.

Namun, aku sedar bahawa aku
tidak mati meskipun jiwa dan
jasad cederanya parah sekali.
Tetapi akalku masih berfungsi
dan hatiku tidak luluh jua.

Oleh sebab itulah
aku perlahan-lahan berdiri semula
dan mengibas-ngibas debu
kesakitan dan habuk kepayahan.
Kuhadapkan wajah kepada-Mu, oh Tuhan!

Oleh sebab aku tidak hancur
lagi binasa akibat dugaan
yang senantisa menekan, maka
bertambah gagah dan perkasa
diriku yang kerdil ini.

Akan kuteruskan hidup ini,
Merenangi ombak gelombang hasad dengki,
Merentasi padang lahar penipuan,
Meskipun datang tohmahan demi tohmahan,
Yang tak bisa berbelas kasihan.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

If You Feel Hot, It's Probably Because You Have A Fever

It's funny how you just keep going even when you're body is telling you to stop... Take my advice: read the signs and do so. To prevent it all from happening, take it easy once in a while. When you're relaxing make sure you RELAX. Don't think, just immerse yourself in whatever thing you're doing and forget the world for a few moments.

When you feel rested and re energised come back to reality and the rat race that is life again. Truth be told, lately, I think I have been going a little bit too fast. But then again, that's the sacrifice we make in order to get what we want; be it flying colours or a new pair of Levi's 501 jeans..XD

Thank god for weekends and painkillers though. I went to the clinic just now due to a cranium-splitting headache. The doctor told me I had a fever as well as blocked sinus cavities...Go figure..

In spite of the medication prescribed, it still takes a double prosperity burger to cure my sinuses...hahaha...must be all that black pepper dripping over the heavily drenched burger...and thank god also for McDonalds..Syukur ya Allah...

Now I'm taking the night off. I'm rereading Robert Harris' book, Imperium. It truly is a masterpiece..As for all of you people out there I wish that you enjoy your Friday night doing whatever keeps you sane..XD

I know I'll be having a blast...hahaha...per victoria meus conpes comminutus.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sunflowers are not actually yellow...

Ever wonder why we do what we do??

Do we do it out of pure sincerity and love for others or the job??

Do we do it because we have to or were forced head first into doing it??

Or do we do it because we have nothing better to do??

Bottom line-we do it and we live with it...At least it think we do..

What happens when we can't live with what we do..?? The weak and feeble minded usually commit suicide or get committed into a mental institution...

The cautious and crafty usually work their way around it by dodging, sneaking and skulking in the dark like the worthless leeches that they are...

And the brave will usually stupidly plunge fists first into solving the problem of being unable to live by trying to set things back as they were. Such a course has but two possible outcomes. One: they emerge triumphant and live for another hundred years or they get shot in the head whilst trying to complete their mission and end up as dead as a doorknob.

As for me, I can still live myself and what I do. I haven't murdered anyone yet, either physically or intellectually. but if ever one day I reach the point where I feel like cutting my losses and moving on to the next life, I will stop in my tracks, turn back to where I came from and reinvent myself.

Hopefully, that will be enough.. It's either that or moving to a small hut on Gunung Tahan.

P/s: the title has nothing to do with this post...XD

Friday, January 8, 2010

15 Sentences About Myself....

This is actually and English assignment given to me by my teacher. But I realise that this a good way to truly get in touch with you subconscious inner self.

1. I love to read thick novels about life and its intricacies in the middle if the night.

2. Most times, my jokes are not funny and people just stare at me.

3. I make sure I finish all my work at school even if I have to stay at the library until 5 o'clock in the evening.

4. I frown most of the time, especially when I am thinking.

5. I am the 'Lord of The Sink' at home because I was the dishes every time after a meal.

6. Cycling and swimming are two sports that I love most because everything else is either too hazardous or too expensive.

7. Good food and good company make my day.

8. Star Wars and the Lord of The Rings made a big influence on my imagination as it is now much more lively and vivid.

9. I often write poetry and in my diary to express my feelings, thoughts and views.

10. These days, I hope for small, impossible things like wider roads and doing well for my SPM; not ridiculously impossible things like world peace.

11. If I had all the money in the world, I would like to build a huge manor by the sea in the Bay of Naples, Italy.

12. I am thankful for my wonderful family-especially my mother-and my dear friends in school for sticking by me, no matter what the odds may be.

13. Roman and Andalusian architecture fascinate me; as do European and Russian history.

14. I hope to be a very successful and wealthy investment banker someday and study at the London School of Economics.

15. I will be inaugurated as Head Boy on Monday, the 11Th of January 2010.

*You should all give this a try one fine day.;)*